Monday, November 21, 2011

Think Monday, Think ATC

The theme for TMTA this week is 'Children.' 

There is nothing as wonderful as the imagination of children.  They truly believe their dreams and unlike adults, they don't put roadblocks in front of themselves.  Of course this can have some disastrous results at times, as in my daughter who believed she could fly if she could only get up high enough. Upon launching herself from atop a bureau this little bird ended up with a broken wing (arm)!  Not quite how it happened in her dream.  The wonderful thing about children is their resilience, they dust themselves off and enjoy the new experience of getting a cast on and off they go to experiment some more.

Our dreams can take us to incredible places.  Imagine You Can...Cheers!


  1. A really wonderful ATC with an amazing background

  2. Very colourful ATC! And the background really is amazing! But what I love most is the meaning!

  3. such great subject matter - beautiful children. Nice piece, Rhonda. xxDonna

  4. Lovely art & message!
    (Is your daughter ok? Sorry to hear that...)

  5. so much lovely creativity to enjoy here dear Rhonda..oh my on your sweet little 'bird's' arm I mean wing

    a very precious post and ATC

    Brightest of Blessings to you and yours!
